

Kim’s children attended Salem Public Schools and she views chairing the Salem School Committee as one of her most important responsibilities as Mayor. Public schools are our communities most important investment and Salem’s schools are rebounding strongly, with a focus on supporting children’s social and emotional wellbeing, academic success, and out-of-school enrichment. Through the implementation of City Connects and the Our Salem, Our Kids initiative, Salem Public Schools continues to maximize opportunities for youth by leveraging important citywide partnerships with the hospital, university and museum, as well as child serving agencies in Salem.


Efforts directed at extended learning opportunities, technology and life skills focuses, and cultural competence have succeeded in helping Salem students thrive. Salem has enjoyed low teacher/student class ratios, more personalized learning opportunities, and a rich array of non-classroom supports, aimed at providing educators with the tools they need to prepare and educate students in a diverse classroom environment.

Throughout the pandemic, Salem schools have acted quickly and on the best available science to keep staff and students safe, while continuing to maintain rigorous opportunities for learning. From HVAC optimization to outdoor learning spaces, from ample protective equipment to innovative pooled and individual testing, Salem Public Schools is a success story in COVID-19 response in the world of education.